Home LifestyleArts & Music ASO to perform the sounds of ‘Star Wars’

ASO to perform the sounds of ‘Star Wars’

ASO sounds of star wars

In a place, not so far away, The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra will present the music of “Star Wars” this fall.

Save the date! On Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 21 at 3 p.m., the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra will play the music of “Star Wars.”

This family-friendly event will feature music from the entire series including 10 feature films, an animated film and three TV films spanning more than 40 years. Costumes, trivia and decoration of the Robinson Center will create a multi-sensory experience, and you’re even invited to dress as your favorite character!

Tickets go on sale September 4, but ASO donors can access a special pre-sale Monday, May 14.

– Chris Keene, Ghidotti Communications

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